How Can an AC Rejuvenation Help Your Home?
The term AC rejuvenation sounds like some complicated process that should involve medical equipment. But it just means upkeep and maintenance to keep the AC working well. Like any other machine, the AC system requires regular upkeep to avoid costly breakdowns caused by dirt, dust and debris.

In this article, readers will learn what exactly AC rejuvenation is and whether or not they need it.

The Importance of Clean AC Filters
air filters mid-cleaning
One major factor in AC rejuvenation is proper filter maintenance. Filters are an incredibly important part of any AC system because they catch harmful dirt and dust. Without filters, dirt and grime would build up quickly in the home and would harm air quality. But, if not changed regularly, they can do severe damage to an AC system.

When used for too long, filters get blocked up with dust, pollen and other airborne impurities. When filters are blocked up, air from the AC unit has a hard time getting through and cooling a house, making the unit work harder and harder to cool the home.

For optimal performance, filters should be changed every three months. During hot summers, due to the heat, they should be changed every two months. And it’s always good to verify that one has the correct filters for their particular system. An AC professional can help with this.

Duct Cleaning for AC Longevity
an air duct
When thought of as a highway leading directly to the air filters, it’s easy to imagine the kind of buildup air ducts get. The more dirt and grime there is in the air duct system, the faster the filters become dirty, the harder the AC has to work to cool a home. When the AC works too hard for too long, things begin to break quickly.

Regular duct cleaning is an essential part of AC rejuvenation because it helps to keep the whole system clean and functioning properly. While changing AC filters is easy to do, duct cleaning isn’t quite as simple. To get the job done right, most homeowners need to call a professional. The good news is this doesn’t need doing more than once or twice a year.

Other AC Services
A few other essential practices to keep an AC system running well involve inspections for and cleaning of the outdoor unit. This requires calling an AC professional to schedule regular maintenance checks.

an HVAC technician repairing an air conditioner
The technician will clean the outdoor unit on a predetermined basis and use specialized tools and tactics to ensure everything is running as it should. AC rejuvenation is a good idea for any homeowner, as it can prevent breakdowns and expensive problems in the future. With a little care from professionals, an AC system can last 20+ years.

About Beltz Home Service Company
The experts at Beltz Home Service Co. have been serving Findlay, Ohio proudly since 2001. They’re A+ BBB rated because of their stellar customer service and workmanship. They always respond quickly, even after hours, and are always ready to go above and beyond for their customers.

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