How Come the Toilet Keeps Clogging?  People take flushing the toilet for granted. They don’t even think about it until it starts overflowing––or worse, clogs. Then, homeowners can’t help but ask themselves: “How could this have been prevented?”  Here, interested parties can learn how to prevent clogged toilets. Some considerations include using less toilet paper and being mindful of what they flush. If one ever has questions about addressing a clogged toilet, one should reach out to a professional in their area.  Avoid Flushing Certain Items Down the Toilet  The City of Findlay has an important message for the residents of Hancock County: only flush toilet paper. Anything else could lead to expensive and time-consuming clogs. It’s also not good for the environment. The City notes that people should avoid flushing diapers and kitty litter at all costs.  They should also dispose of the following items in the garbage––and not in the toilet:  Napkins  Menstruation products, like tampons  Cotton balls  Food residue  Grease, oils, and fat  Paper toilets  Gauze  Band-aids  Medications  Sponges  Diapers  Condoms  If a homeowner accidentally flushes one of these items, they should use the “wait and see” approach. The minute they notice or suspect a clog, they should consult a trained professional.  Homeowners Should Use Less Toilet Paper  Although toilets efficiently break down toilet paper, if a homeowner uses too much at once, they risk overwhelming the system. According to Cottonelle, a leading toilet paper manufacturer, the average person uses about seven sheets per wipe. However, using just four sheets is enough to get the job done.  By using less toilet paper, one can prevent toilet clogs. They can also benefit from the following:  Saving money. It’s simple math: More toilet paper means spending more money.  Conserving waste. Toilet paper has to go somewhere. The fewer people use, the fewer resources municipalities have to use to break these materials down.  Peace of mind. No one wants to constantly be on tier toes, waiting for the next thing to go wrong. By using less toilet paper, homeowners can breathe easy knowing they’re doing everything possible to prevent clogs.  Know How to Avoid Sewer Line Clogs  A home’s sewer pipes have an important job; they carry waste away from the home and into a sewer line or drain field. If these pipes clog, homeowners will quickly take notice of foul odors, clogs, and backed-up sinks.  Thankfully, avoiding sewer line clogs is easy. Mainly, homeowners must be mindful of what they flush down the toilet. They should also:  Install mesh drain screens in the kitchen and bathroom sink  Use copper sulfate to prevent root intrusion  Remove built-up soap scum around drains  Pour grease, oil, and fat into the trash (not the toilet)  Schedule a plumbing maintenance visit at least once a year  Bottom line: preventing clogged sewer lines means preventing clogged toilets. If homeowners want to maintain their plumbing system, they should schedule an appointment with a sewer drain cleaning service.  About Beltz Home Service Co.  Need a plumber in Findlay, Ohio? Beltz Home Service Co. is here to serve. These professionals not only know how to prevent drain clogs, but they can help with other concerns, too. For more information on partnering with these professionals, one can call today. They can also schedule a plumbing appointment online. +++

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